Archive for January, 2007

Save The OC

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Were you one of the many crushed by today's announcement about the cancellation of The OC? Do your part. Let your voice be heard. Go to Fox's website Save The OC and sign their petition. Another website,, has created four days of activism. You gotta love their loyalty. Just doing my part for TV. […]

Flying American Airlines…First Class!

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Today is December 31, 2006. The year 2007 is only 3 ½ hours away. This is a first for me, I am writing this blog from an American Airlines jet bound for Los Angeles. To my right, the city of Las Vegas has just been passed by. To my surprise and elation, Deutsch and I […]

2006 Summary Of All The Crap I Didn't Blog About – Part Two: Concerts & Movies

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Concerts This was a good year for concerts. The past couple of years I just slacked with music. I made a goal for myself this year to get back into the music scene. Here is a list of the concerts and venues I went to . Sisters of Mercy – House of Blues in Annaheim […]